
Elissa & Chris: Finger Lakes Wedding

This is a long one, so brace yourselves! I loved Elissa and Chris’ day so much that it was really hard to narrow it all down! This wedding had all the elements for an amazing day: Tons of stunning D.I.Y. items, a breathtaking sunset, V.I.P.’s who were emotionally invested in the couple…and best of all, two of the coolest, generous and INCREDIBLE people. Elissa and Chris are rock stars, everyone in their orbit is happier because of them and I LOVE how they interact with each other. They are one of those rare couples whom I don’t say a word to while we’re doing our bride and groom portraits, they are so beautifully natural and adorable!

Finger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photography

Some of the many authentic moments that I was in love with…

Finger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photography

All of their elements were do-it-yourself, everything was well thought out, timeless and gorgeous!

Finger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photography

We had already taken a few quick portraits after the First Look but the sunset was so unbelievable, Elissa and Chris didn’t mind heading back out and getting those glowy sunset shots with wildflowers for miles…

Finger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photographyFinger Lakes wedding photography

Beauty: All Revived Hair Studio

Entertainment: Dan Smith

Cake: Delicious Designs By Sherry Thomas

Dress: Etsy

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