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Erin Covey Creative

  • Faces

    Headshots: Oak

    To anyone who has ever designed a Save the Date, a celebratory invite or a newborn announcement, you know the drill: You log onto a website and start designing from featured…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: Should I Hire a Second Shooter?

    One of the most common questions I get asked…should we get a second shooter? I used to shoot alone all of the time and am totally comfortable doing so. These last…

  • Commercial work Faces

    Headshots: Taylor

    Quick hello to share some beauty shots from a shoot I recently did with a wonderful young woman! Taylor was so much fun to work with! Makeup by: Alyssa Aiello If…

  • Faces

    Headshots: Karlee

    I have been wanting to get this beauty in front of my lens for what seems like forever! Karlee has one of those radiant personalities that shines from the inside out.…

  • Faces

    Headshots: Jennifer

    Throughout the years, I’ve gotten to know Jennifer through documenting various weddings. She is always a smiling and bright presence in every room! As a bridesmaid or a wedding guest, she…

  • Commercial work Faces

    Espo & Co Salon

    If you haven’t already heard, let me be the first to share! There is a brand new, light-filled salon in Utica, and, you guys…it is BEAUTIFUL. Airy, minimal, and super modern,…

  • Faces

    February Headshots

    We all took a little risk in February. For the entire month, I discounted my normal headshot rate for anyone who was willing to put themselves out there. Together, we let…

  • Weddings

    Katie & Kris: Harts Hill Wedding

    He met her at an ice cream stand. Kris noticed Katie’s breathtaking beauty immediately — her gorgeous red hair and contagious smile — but was shy to approach. The thing is,…

  • Faces

    Headshots: Krislynn

    Perfect Los Angeles weather. A talented stylist. Lots of bright colors, long laughs and cool fashion. My kind of day!…

  • Faces

    Headshots: Marissa

    I had the honor and pleasure of working with two phenomenal women on this shoot! Alyssa Aiello put her talented makeup skills to work on the gorgeous Marissa for our headshot…