Back by popular demand, here’s part three: Editing before and afters! These are the common types of photos that get tweaked before delivery to the client. (Check out part one here, and part two here) Top photo is straight out of the camera, bottom is the edited image.
One of the most common edits? Getting rid of signage or distracting elements in the background…

Signage signage everywhere! Take a look at the window, behind the bride and groom. (Ohhh a posed shot on my blog! Yes we do them!) Also, beautiful skin tones are the most important in the formally posed pictures…

I love shooting at sunset, but sometimes the camera doesn’t quite capture that glowy warmth our eyes see, so I have to enhance it later. You’ll also see in the next photo that the bride’s hair was blowing in the wind in front of her face. It was distracting, so it was removed!

Power lines removed and again that sunset light is enhanced…

Im this next photo below, look closely: there is a bee buzzing around the bride’s neck, plus some threads coming out of the dress. Anything that distracts from the beauty of the couple will be eliminated!

I nearly always enhance the drama in a photo and love strong black and whites…

Finally, when documenting reception shots, I’ll grab moments first and worry about signage and other distracting elements later. Lots of exit signs end up on the cutting room floor! I also typically shoot dance floor pictures underexposed, so I can preserve the bright backlights and bring up the subjects back in later…

Hope that helps answer editing questions!