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Erin Covey Creative

  • Weddings

    Candice & Alex: Sand Castle Wedding

      Candice and Alex were beaming when they told me they dreamed of a Parisian-themed wedding at Sand Castle resort in Long Island. I’ve known Alex for years (he is also…

  • Weddings

    Glen Sanders Mansion Wedding: Scotia, NY

    With their smiles, humor and warmth, Kate & Gary make everything around them brighter. Even with the threat of rain, the enthusiasm could not be contained at the Glen Sanders Mansion.…

  • Weddings

    Heather & Brandon: The Cannery Wedding

    I fell for Heather and Brandon within minutes of meeting them. These are the kind of people who love hard. The kind of people who aren’t afraid to throw their head back…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: Editing Part 2

    Earlier this year, I put together a “What do I edit?” post (click here!). It remains the top question that comes up when I’m hanging out with couples for coffee and…

  • Weddings

    MiKayla & Brandon: Landmark Theatre Wedding

    Moments after MiKayla was finished in the hair and makeup chair, she walked out to the getting ready room, upstairs at Syracuse’s Landmark Theatre. All of her best girlfriends shrieked upon…

  • Personal

    Cookie Expeditions

    Some people dream about climbing Everest. Others want to go skydiving before they die. Me? Well, I had a much loftier vision: To create the perfect chocolate chip cookie. It took…

  • Personal

    Opinions Not Welcome

    A few years back I was shooting an actor’s headshots in New York City. We made images for hours; some in studio, others in unique nooks we discovered. We had a…

  • Personal

    Annual Gratitude Sessions

    THE WHY: Nothing makes me happier than having a camera in my hand. It is an unparalleled love. On wedding days, when I have the opportunity to document something for 15…

  • Personal

    A Break

    It’s been exactly three months since I stopped blogging daily. I needed a total break to thoughtfully analyze whether I should continue this blog in its current form. It’s been chugging…