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  • Wedding Invitation Styling Inspiration

    Wedding Day Flat Lay Tips

    If you struggle with efficiency and speed when documenting a couple’s wedding day details, I’ve just updated last year’s wedding day flat lay course to include soooo many new extras! I…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: Editing Part 3

    Back by popular demand, here’s part three: Editing before and afters! These are the common types of photos that get tweaked before delivery to the client. (Check out part one here,…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: Editing Part 2

    Earlier this year, I put together a “What do I edit?” post (click here!). It remains the top question that comes up when I’m hanging out with couples for coffee and…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: Should I Hire a Second Shooter?

    One of the most common questions I get asked…should we get a second shooter? I used to shoot alone all of the time and am totally comfortable doing so. These last…

  • FAQ

    FAQ: In The Bag

    I receive quite a few inquiries each month about what I shoot with, so this is an effort to help anyone who is curious about the lens choices behind my shooting…